Harmony Lab & Safety Supplies

Who is responsible for training workers on the use of ppe?

Who is Responsible for Training Workers on the Use of PPE? Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ensures worker safety across various industries. Equally important is the appropriate training to use this equipment. But who exactly shoulders the responsibility of this training? This article will explore the roles of employers, managers, health and safety personnel, third-party consultants, […]

What is Cleanroom PPE?

What is cleanroom personal protective equipment (PPE)? Find out the essential PPE required for cleanroom operators.

Cleanroom Clothing: A Guide on Proper Donning and Doffing

Best Practices for Wearing and Removing Cleanroom Clothing As you navigate the complex world of cleanroom procedures, one element that can’t be overlooked is the proper donning (putting on) and doffing (taking off) of cleanroom apparel. This includes essential items such as coveralls, gloves, and safety goggles, and secondary items like boot covers, hair nets, […]

What are cleaning swabs?

Dive into our comprehensive guide on cleaning swabs. Find out what swabs are best for cleaning and find swabs at a great value.

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